Timing information

This report shows the time and memory used to run derfinder for single base resolution differential expression analysis. It also shows the same information for going from BAM files to getting ready to run DESeq (Anders and Huber, 2010) by using samtools (Unknown, 2015) to convert to SAM format and HTSeq (Unknown, 2015) to make the count tables. Furthermore, this process was compared to using the summarizeOverlaps() function from the GenomicRanges (Lawrence, Huber, Pagès, Aboyoun, et al., 2013) package as well as using the coverageToExon() function included in the derfinder package [requires the output from the fullCov step].


## Extract information from Gmail
system('cp ../../efficiency_analytics/client_secrets .')
system('python ../../efficiency_analytics/analyze_efficiency.py --email fellgernon@gmail.com --folder "Cluster/derSoftware" --outfile timing-derSoftware.txt')
## Setup

## Define number of cores used
exps <- c('brainspan', 'simulation', 'hippo', 'snyder', 'stem')

## Read data and process it
all <- read.table('timing-derSoftware.txt', header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
all <- all[!grepl('brainspan.*run3', all$jobid), ] # remove older info
all$step <- gsub('.*th', 'TopHat', sapply(strsplit(all$jobid, "-"), function(x) x[1]))
all$memG <- all$memory
all$memG[all$memunit == "M"] <- all$memG[all$memunit == "M"] / 1024
all$chr <- gsub('.*chr', 'chr', all$jobid)
all$chr[ !grepl('chr', all$chr) ] <- NA

## Experiment info
all$experiment <- NA
for(exp in exps) {
    all$experiment[ grepl(exp, tolower(all$jobid)) ] <- exp
all$experiment[ all$step %in% c('TopHat', 'bigwig') ] <- 'simulation'
all$experiment[ all$jobid == 'makeBai-Sim' ] <- 'simulation'

## Cores info
all$cores <- mapply(function(chr, exp, step) {
    if(step == 'fullCov') {
    } else if(step == 'derA') {
        if(exp == 'brainspan') {
            return(ifelse(chr == 'chrY', 2L, ifelse(chr == 'chr1', 40L, ifelse(chr == 'chr2', 32L, ifelse(chr == 'chr3', 27L, ifelse(chr == 'chr19', 29L, 20L))))))
        } else if (exp == 'simulation'){
        } else if (exp == 'hippo'){
        } else if (exp == 'snyder'){
        } else if (exp == 'stem'){
    } else if(step == 'regMat') {
    } else if(step == 'TopHat') {
    } else if(step == 'summOv') {
        return(ifelse(exp == 'hippo', 24L, 10L))
    } else {
}, all$chr, all$experiment, all$step)
all$timeByCore <- all$walltime * all$cores
all$memByCore <- all$memG / all$cores

## Add software labels
all$software <- factor(ifelse(all$step %in% c('toSam', 'htseq'), 'HTSeq', ifelse(all$step == 'summOv', 'GenomicRanges', ifelse(all$step == 'TopHat', 'TopHat', ifelse(all$step %in% c('makeBai', 'regVsDERs', 'PNAS', 'summInfo'), 'misc', ifelse(all$step == 'derR', 'regionReport', 'derfinder'))))))

## Experiment and cores groups info
all$experiment <- factor(all$experiment, levels = exps)
all$coresGroups <- all$cores
all$coresGroups[ all$cores >= 20] <- '20+'
all$coresGroups <- factor(all$coresGroups, levels = c(1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, '20+'))

## Types of analysis
all$analysis <- factor(ifelse(all$step %in% c('derMod', 'derA', 'derM'), 'Single-base DER', ifelse(all$step %in% c('toSam', 'htseq', 'summOv', 'covToEx'), 'Exon count', ifelse(all$step == 'regMat', 'Expressed-region DER', ifelse(all$step == 'fullCov', 'Load data', ifelse(all$step == 'derR', 'HTML report', 'misc'))))))

## Ignore stem data set
all <- subset(all, experiment != 'stem')

Adjusting by number of cores

The following plots show the wall time and memory used by each job while taking into account the number of cores used by each job. Note that doing so is a crude approximation of how much time and memory each job would have needed had it ran on a single node.

First points are colored by the actual step.

## Walltime and memory adjusted by number of cores (it's an approximation)
ggplot(all, aes(x=timeByCore, y=memByCore, colour=step, shape=software)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~ experiment) + xlab("Wall time (hrs) multiplied by the number of cores") + ylab("Memory (GB) divided by the number of cores")
ggplot(all, aes(x=log2(timeByCore), y=memByCore, colour=step, shape=software)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~ experiment) + xlab("Wall time (hrs) multiplied by the number of cores (log2)") + ylab("Memory (GB) divided by the number of cores")

Secondly, points are colored by which analysis type they belong to. Note that the loading data step is required for the single-level and expressed-regions DER approaches as well as exon counting (with derfinder).

## Walltime and memory adjusted by number of cores (it's an approximation)
ggplot(all, aes(x=timeByCore, y=memByCore, colour=analysis, shape=software)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~ experiment) + xlab("Wall time (hrs) multiplied by the number of cores") + ylab("Memory (GB) divided by the number of cores") + scale_colour_brewer(palette="Dark2")
ggplot(all, aes(x=log2(timeByCore), y=memByCore, colour=analysis, shape=software)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~ experiment) + xlab("Wall time (hrs) multiplied by the number of cores (log2)") + ylab("Memory (GB) divided by the number of cores") + scale_colour_brewer(palette="Dark2")
## For supp text
time <- ggplot(subset(all, !software %in% c('TopHat', 'regionReport') & analysis != 'misc'), aes(x=log2(timeByCore), y=log2(memByCore), colour=analysis, shape=software)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~ experiment) + xlab("Wall time (hrs) multiplied by the number of cores (log2)") + ylab("GB memory divided by number of cores (log2)") + scale_colour_brewer(palette="Set1") + theme_bw(base_size = 18) + theme(legend.position=c(.7, .85), legend.box = 'horizontal')
pdf(file = 'time.pdf', width = 10)
## pdf 
##   2
#system('open time.pdf')

Without cores information

The following plots show the wall time and memory used, but do not take into account how many cores were used.

## No approximation, not showing cores info
ggplot(all, aes(x=walltime, y=memG, colour=analysis, shape=software)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~ experiment) + xlab("Wall time (hrs)") + ylab("Memory (GB)") + scale_colour_brewer(palette="Dark2")
ggplot(all, aes(x=log2(walltime), y=memG, colour=analysis, shape=software)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~ experiment) + xlab("Wall time [log2(hrs)]") + ylab("Memory (GB)") + scale_colour_brewer(palette="Dark2")

Size by number of cores

The following plots are similar to those from the previous section. The difference is that the size of the points is determined by the number of cores the job used.

## Size by number of cores
ggplot(all, aes(x=walltime, y=memG, colour=analysis, shape=software, size=cores)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~ experiment) + xlab("Wall time (hrs)") + ylab("Memory (GB)") + scale_colour_brewer(palette="Dark2")
ggplot(all, aes(x=log2(walltime), y=memG, colour=analysis, shape=software, size=cores)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(~ experiment) + xlab("Wall time [log2(hrs)]") + ylab("Memory (GB)") + scale_colour_brewer(palette="Dark2")

Panel by cores

The following plot splits the data by row panels which are determined by the number of cores used.

## Panel cores by experiment
ggplot(all, aes(x=walltime, y=memG, colour=analysis, shape=software)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(coresGroups ~ experiment) + xlab("Wall time (hrs)") + ylab("Memory (GB)") + scale_colour_brewer(palette="Dark2")
ggplot(all, aes(x=log2(walltime), y=memG, colour=analysis, shape=software)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(coresGroups ~ experiment) + xlab("Wall time [log2(hrs)]") + ylab("Memory (GB)") + scale_colour_brewer(palette="Dark2")

Resources by step for each analysis

getInfo <- function(df, sumTime = FALSE, peakCores = FALSE) {
    memByCore <- max(df$memByCore)
    walltime <- ifelse(sumTime, sum(df$walltime), max(df$walltime))
    memG <- max(df$memG)
    peakCores <- ifelse(peakCores, max(df$peakCores), sum(df$cores))
    res <- c(memByCore = memByCore, walltime = walltime, memG = memG, peakCores = peakCores)

analysisInfo <- list('Single-base DER' = c('Load data', 'Single-base DER'),
    'Expressed-region DER' = c('Load data', 'Expressed-region DER'),
    'HTML report' = 'HTML report',
    'Exon count - derfinder' = 'Load data'
analysisInfo <- lapply(analysisInfo, function(x) { which(all$analysis %in% x)})
analysisInfo[[4]] <- c(analysisInfo[[4]], which(all$step == 'covToEx'))
analysisInfo$"Exon count - HTSeq" <- which(all$step %in% c('toSam', 'htseq'))
analysisInfo$"Exon count - GenomicRanges" <- which(all$step == 'summOv')

## Summarize the information for each step of each analysis
analysisSummary <- lapply(names(analysisInfo), function(analysis) {
    current <- all[analysisInfo[[analysis]], ]
    res_analysis <- lapply(exps, function(exp) {
        use <- subset(current, experiment == exp)
        if(nrow(use) == 0) return(NULL)
        res_exp <- lapply(unique(use$step), function(step) {
            res_step <- as.data.frame(t(getInfo(use[use$step == step, ])))
            res_step$step <- step
            res_step$experiment <- exp
            res_step$analysis <- analysis
        res_exp <- do.call(rbind, res_exp)
    res_analysis <- do.call(rbind, res_analysis)
analysisSummary <- do.call(rbind, analysisSummary)

The following plots show per analysis the maximum memory used by a job and maximum wall time for that step. This is assuming that all jobs for a given step ran simultaneously. For example, that all jobs running derfinder::analyzeChr() were running at the same time. Note that for some analyses relied on the same steps, like loading the data (fullCov).

ggplot(analysisSummary, aes(x=walltime, y=memG, colour=experiment, shape=analysis)) + geom_point() + xlab("Maximum wall time (hrs) per job") + ylab("Peak memory (GB) used by a single job") + facet_grid(. ~ step)
ggplot(analysisSummary, aes(x=log2(walltime), y=memG, colour=experiment, shape=analysis)) + geom_point() + xlab("Maximum wall time (log2 hrs) per job") + ylab("Peak memory (GB) used by a single job") + facet_grid(. ~ step)

Below are similar plots showing the peak memory by core usage instead of the actual peak memory. This takes into account the number of cores used to run each job.

ggplot(analysisSummary, aes(x=walltime, y=memByCore, colour=experiment, shape=analysis)) + geom_point() + xlab("Maximum wall time (hrs) per job") + ylab("Peak memory by core (GB) used by a single job") + facet_grid(. ~ step)
ggplot(analysisSummary, aes(x=log2(walltime), y=memByCore, colour=experiment, shape=analysis)) + geom_point() + xlab("Maximum wall time (log2 hrs) per job") + ylab("Peak memory by core (GB) used by a single job") + facet_grid(. ~ step)

The full table is shown below which can be useful to find the peak number of cores (the sum of cores for all jobs running simultaneously) for a given analysis step.

kable(analysisSummary, format = 'html', digits = c(2, 4, 2))
memByCore walltime memG peakCores step experiment analysis
4.87 9.1136 4.87 1 derM brainspan Single-base DER
2.38 183.7903 86.43 510 derA brainspan Single-base DER
0.69 0.0047 0.69 1 derMod brainspan Single-base DER
17.35 2.7008 173.50 10 fullCov brainspan Single-base DER
0.95 0.0122 0.95 1 derM simulation Single-base DER
1.03 0.0553 1.03 7 derA simulation Single-base DER
0.75 0.0069 0.75 1 derMod simulation Single-base DER
0.69 0.0375 6.93 10 fullCov simulation Single-base DER
1.32 0.0492 1.32 1 derM hippo Single-base DER
3.90 0.9697 7.80 48 derA hippo Single-base DER
3.25 0.0222 3.25 1 derMod hippo Single-base DER
1.29 0.1967 12.91 10 fullCov hippo Single-base DER
4.39 1.2494 4.39 1 derM snyder Single-base DER
5.14 2.3453 20.55 96 derA snyder Single-base DER
7.02 0.0558 7.02 2 derMod snyder Single-base DER
2.71 1.2539 27.10 10 fullCov snyder Single-base DER
77.92 7.0422 389.60 10 regMat brainspan Expressed-region DER
17.35 2.7008 173.50 10 fullCov brainspan Expressed-region DER
0.76 0.0169 3.80 10 regMat simulation Expressed-region DER
0.69 0.0375 6.93 10 fullCov simulation Expressed-region DER
2.07 0.2442 10.33 5 regMat hippo Expressed-region DER
1.29 0.1967 12.91 10 fullCov hippo Expressed-region DER
5.32 1.1131 26.62 5 regMat snyder Expressed-region DER
2.71 1.2539 27.10 10 fullCov snyder Expressed-region DER
149.80 3.4858 149.80 1 derR brainspan HTML report
31.98 2.1261 31.98 1 derR simulation HTML report
36.46 0.8094 36.46 1 derR hippo HTML report
37.20 0.4836 37.20 1 derR snyder HTML report
17.35 2.7008 173.50 10 fullCov brainspan Exon count - derfinder
198.61 3.7794 198.61 2 covToEx brainspan Exon count - derfinder
0.69 0.0375 6.93 10 fullCov simulation Exon count - derfinder
7.13 0.7556 7.13 2 covToEx simulation Exon count - derfinder
1.29 0.1967 12.91 10 fullCov hippo Exon count - derfinder
11.16 0.6286 11.16 2 covToEx hippo Exon count - derfinder
2.71 1.2539 27.10 10 fullCov snyder Exon count - derfinder
16.20 0.7375 16.20 2 covToEx snyder Exon count - derfinder
0.38 0.5672 0.38 31 htseq hippo Exon count - HTSeq
1.73 3.7153 1.73 1 toSam hippo Exon count - HTSeq
0.38 7.8933 0.38 20 htseq snyder Exon count - HTSeq
1.44 42.0253 1.44 1 toSam snyder Exon count - HTSeq
1.80 0.2967 43.24 24 summOv hippo Exon count - GenomicRanges
6.32 2.6850 63.24 10 summOv snyder Exon count - GenomicRanges

Resources for each analysis

## Summary the information for each analysis
peaks <- lapply(names(analysisInfo), function(analysis) {
    res_analysis <- lapply(exps, function(exp) {
        current <- analysisSummary[analysisSummary$analysis == analysis & analysisSummary$experiment == exp, ]
        if(nrow(current) == 0) return(NULL)
        res_exp <- as.data.frame(t(getInfo(current, sumTime = TRUE, peakCores = TRUE)))
        res_exp$experiment <- exp
        res_exp$analysis <- analysis
    res_analysis <- do.call(rbind, res_analysis)
peaks <- do.call(rbind, peaks)

save(peaks, file = 'peaks.Rdata')

We can further summarize the resources used by each analysis by identified the maximum memory used in the steps required for a particular analysis and the total wall time for running all the steps when all the jobs of a particular step are running simultaneously. Thus giving us the total actual wall time to run a specific analysis and the maximum memory required.

ggplot(peaks, aes(x=walltime, y=memG, colour=experiment)) + geom_point() + xlab("Wall time (hrs) per analysis") + ylab("Peak memory (GB) used by a single job") + facet_grid(. ~ analysis)
ggplot(peaks, aes(x=log2(walltime), y=memG, colour=experiment)) + geom_point() + xlab("Wall time (log2 hrs) per analysis") + ylab("Peak memory (GB) used by a single job") + facet_grid(. ~ analysis)

Below are similar plots showing the peak memory by core instead of the actual peak memory for a given job.

ggplot(peaks, aes(x=walltime, y=memByCore, colour=experiment)) + geom_point() + xlab("Wall time (hrs) per analysis") + ylab("Peak memory by core (GB) used by a single job") + facet_grid(. ~ analysis)
ggplot(peaks, aes(x=log2(walltime), y=memByCore, colour=experiment)) + geom_point() + xlab("Wall time (log2 hrs) per analysis") + ylab("Peak memory by core (GB) used by a single job") + facet_grid(. ~ analysis)

The table below shows the final summary. Note that in some analyses, the peak memory is from the fullCov step. We did not focus on reducing the memory load of this step as we sacrificed memory for speed. We know that much lower memory limits can be achieved using 1 core instead of the 10 cores used.

kable(peaks, format = 'html', digits = c(2, 3, 2))
memByCore walltime memG peakCores experiment analysis
17.35 195.609 173.50 510 brainspan Single-base DER
1.03 0.112 6.93 10 simulation Single-base DER
3.90 1.238 12.91 48 hippo Single-base DER
7.02 4.904 27.10 96 snyder Single-base DER
77.92 9.743 389.60 10 brainspan Expressed-region DER
0.76 0.054 6.93 10 simulation Expressed-region DER
2.07 0.441 12.91 10 hippo Expressed-region DER
5.32 2.367 27.10 10 snyder Expressed-region DER
149.80 3.486 149.80 1 brainspan HTML report
31.98 2.126 31.98 1 simulation HTML report
36.46 0.809 36.46 1 hippo HTML report
37.20 0.484 37.20 1 snyder HTML report
198.61 6.480 198.61 10 brainspan Exon count - derfinder
7.13 0.793 7.13 10 simulation Exon count - derfinder
11.16 0.825 12.91 10 hippo Exon count - derfinder
16.20 1.991 27.10 10 snyder Exon count - derfinder
1.73 4.283 1.73 31 hippo Exon count - HTSeq
1.44 49.919 1.44 20 snyder Exon count - HTSeq
1.80 0.297 43.24 24 hippo Exon count - GenomicRanges
6.32 2.685 63.24 10 snyder Exon count - GenomicRanges

Regarding the high memory load for the HTML report, this could be significantly lowered by only loading the required coverage data used for the plots instead of the full output from the fullCov step. Other improvements could be made to the plotting functions, in particular derfinderPlot::plotCluster() that would help reduce the peak memory.

Comparing methods for gene count table generation

The previous table can also be used to compare the sum of the time and peak memory used by the different steps to obtain the exon count table with the following software options.

  • derfinder: includes resources used for reading coverage data in R and then running creating a feature count matrix. We did so for
    • UCSC hg19 knownGene annotation
    • Ensembl GRCh37 p11 annotation.
  • HTSeq: includes resources used for generating sorted SAM files and then running HTSeq.
  • summOv: resources used for running GenomicRanges::summarizeOverlaps() directly on the BAM files.


The following table shows the details of the resources used by the different jobs. It shows the experiment (experiment), the analysis step (step), wall time used (shown in hours, walltime), number of cores used (cores), memory in GB used (memG), software used (software), analysis for which the step is used (analysis), and the job name (jobib). Furthermore, it shows two simple approximations:

  • timeByCore is the wall time (in hours) multiplied by the number of cores used. It is a very simple approximation for the wall time used had the job been ran on a single node. This approximation is known to be false, but it gives a basic idea.
  • memByCore is the memory (in GB) divided by the number of cores used. It is an approximation for the memory used had the job been ran on a single node.

These are the following analysis steps:

  1. fullCov Extract coverage information from raw files (BAM or BigWig) by chromosome, then filter it, and save it in Rdata files.
  2. derMod Calculate the sample depth adjustments and build models appropriate for the experiment.
  3. derA Run single-base level analysis by chromosome.
  4. derM Merge derfinder analysis results from the different chromosomes, calculate p-values and q-values.
  5. derR Generate HTML report with regionReport.
  6. regMat Run expressed-regions level analysis with regionMatrix().
  7. regsVsDers Compare expressed-regions vs single-base level approaches for the derfinder software paper.
  8. toSam Transform BAM files to sorted (by name) SAM files for running HTSeq.
  9. htseq Run HTSeq to generate exon count table.
  10. summOv Run GenomicRanges::summarizeOverlaps() to generate exon count table.
  11. covToExon Generate exon table using derfinder::coverageToExon() for UCSC hg19 knownGene or GRCh37 p11 Ensembl annotation table.
  12. PNAS (Only for Hippo) Generate an HTML report comparing the derfinder results vs previously published results (PNAS paper).
  13. TopHat Run TopHat v2.0.13 for simulated data.
  14. makeBai Generate .bai files for simulated data.
  15. bigwig Generate BigWig files from simulated data for a derfinder tutorial: derTutor
  16. summInfo Summarize results to then use then in the derfinder software paper.

## Print whole table
d <- data.table(all[, c("experiment", "step", "walltime", "cores", "memG", "timeByCore", "memByCore", "software", "analysis", "jobid")])
t1 <- dTable(d, sPaginationType='full_numbers', iDisplayLength=50, sScrollX='100%')
t1$print("timing", cdn=TRUE)

Table made using rCharts (Vaidyanathan, 2013).


Date the report was generated.

## [1] "2015-03-30 22:39:33 EDT"

Wallclock time spent generating the report.

## Time difference of 17.223 secs

R session information.

## Session info-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  setting  value                                             
##  version  R Under development (unstable) (2014-11-01 r66923)
##  system   x86_64, darwin10.8.0                              
##  ui       X11                                               
##  language (EN)                                              
##  collate  en_US.UTF-8                                       
##  tz       America/New_York
## Packages---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  package        * version  date       source                                   
##  bibtex           0.4.0    2014-12-31 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  bitops           1.0.6    2013-08-17 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  chron            2.3.45   2014-02-11 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  colorspace       1.2.6    2015-03-11 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  data.table     * 1.9.4    2014-10-02 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  devtools         1.6.1    2014-10-07 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  digest           0.6.8    2014-12-31 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  evaluate         0.5.5    2014-04-29 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  formatR          1.0      2014-08-25 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  ggplot2        * 1.0.0    2014-05-21 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  gtable           0.1.2    2012-12-05 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  htmltools        0.2.6    2014-09-08 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  httr             0.5      2014-09-02 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  knitcitations  * 1.0.4    2014-11-03 Github (cboettig/knitcitations@508de74)  
##  knitr          * 1.7      2014-10-13 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  knitrBootstrap   1.0.0    2014-11-03 Github (jimhester/knitrBootstrap@76c41f0)
##  labeling         0.3      2014-08-23 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  lattice          0.20.30  2015-02-22 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  lubridate        1.3.3    2013-12-31 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  markdown         0.7.4    2014-08-24 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  MASS             7.3.40   2015-03-21 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  memoise          0.2.1    2014-04-22 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  mime             0.3      2015-03-29 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  munsell          0.4.2    2013-07-11 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  plyr             1.8.1    2014-02-26 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  proto            0.3.10   2012-12-22 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  rCharts        * 0.4.5    2014-12-17 Github (ramnathv/rCharts@929875d)        
##  RColorBrewer     1.1.2    2014-12-07 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  Rcpp             0.11.5   2015-03-06 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  RCurl   2014-12-28 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  RefManageR       0.8.40   2014-10-29 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  reshape2         1.4.1    2014-12-06 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  RJSONIO          1.3.0    2014-07-28 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  rmarkdown      * 0.3.3    2014-09-17 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  rstudioapi       0.2      2014-12-31 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  scales           0.2.4    2014-04-22 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  stringr          0.6.2    2012-12-06 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  whisker          0.3.2    2013-04-28 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  XML     2013-06-20 CRAN (R 3.2.0)                           
##  yaml             2.1.13   2014-06-12 CRAN (R 3.2.0)


This report was generated using knitrBootstrap (Hester, 2014) with knitr (Xie, 2014) and rmarkdown (Allaire, McPherson, Xie, Wickham, et al., 2014) running behind the scenes. Timing information extracted from the SGE reports using efficiency analytics (Frazee, 2014). Figures and citations were made using ggplot2 (Wickham, 2009) and knitcitations (Boettiger, 2015) respectively.

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