All functions |
Search the abstracts from the SRA studies available via the recount project |
Add additional curated metadata to a recount rse object |
Add predicted phenotypes to a recount rse object |
This function downloads the metadata for all projects. |
Open a SRA study id in the SRA website |
Given a set of regions for a chromosome, compute the coverage matrix for a given SRA study. |
Retry multiple times to download a file |
Download data for a given SRA study id from the recount project |
Identify expressed regions from the mean coverage for a given SRA project |
Find the GEO accession id for a given SRA run |
Build a data.frame from GEO's charactersitics for a given sample |
Extract information from GEO for a given sample |
Compute an RPKM matrix based on a RangedSummarizedExperiment object |
Compute a TPM matrix based on a RangedSummarizedExperiment object |
Compute read counts |
Summary information at the project level for the recount project |
Exon annotation used in recount |
Gene annotation used in recount |
Files and URLs hosted by the recount project |
Reproduce the gene or exons used in the RangedSummarizedExperiment objects |
RangedSummarizedExperiment at the gene level for study SRP009615 |
Scale the raw counts provided by the recount project |
Query Snaptron to get data from exon-exon junctions present in Intropolis |